Monday, June 5, 2017

5/2 Series RLC Circuit Step Response

          The purpose of this lab is to find the DC gain and phase shift through the experimental method. Then, compare with the theoretical value we calculated in the pre-lab

1. Provide the differential equation governing the circuit.
2. Attach, plots of the input step function you applied to the circuit and the resulting circuit step response.
According to the picture, raise time: 1.241ms
oscillation frequency: 23485Hz

3. Provide the estimate of the damping ratio, natural frequency, DC gain, and damped natural               frequency.
damping ratio: 5*10^-7
DC Gain: 2.383

    In today's class we learned how to calculate Series RLC Circuit. We learned the formula to calculate the w and α. Then use those data to calculate the current and voltage.

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