Thursday, June 15, 2017

6/8 Passive RL Filter

           The purpose of this lab is the observe how the passive RL filter circuit works and find the relationship between Vo and Vin. We will measure the value of   VR and VL then plot the graph.

1. Pre-Lab: we need to determine the frequency responses of both VL and VR:
This is the result of our colculation.

Then we start doing the experiment.
Before the cut off frequency:

After the cutoff frequency:

Before cutoff voltage:

After cutoff voltage:

After finding all the values of VR and VL, we need to plot the graph of these two:

             In today's class, we further study the importance of the filter. We also learned 3 different types of filter:low passive filiter, high filter and Band pass filter 
We also did some examples of the filter:

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