Saturday, April 29, 2017

4/6 Summing Amperifier

      The purpose of this lab is to observe the function of summing amplifier. We need to measure the value of input and output voltage. Then compare these two values to see the unique function of summing amplifier.

1. Pre-lab: design an inverting summing circuit:

This  picture is the calculation we did based on the graph from the Lab manual. According to our calculation, the maximum Vout = (-R3/R1)(Va+Vb).

This is the actual circuit we build during the experiment.
actual resistance of R1=6.71k

3. The actual value of output voltage is 
we found that the maximum and minimum Vo is 3.44 and -3.44V because of saturate.

       In today's class, we learned the concept of amplifier. There are four different types of amplifier: 1. summing amplifier, 2. difference amplifier, 3. inverting amplifier and 4. non-inverting amplifier.
These are the formulas for the amplifier: 

And this is the example we did in the class: 

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