Sunday, April 30, 2017

4/13 Capacity Voltage-current Relations

         The purpose of this lab is to verify the voltage function of capacity. We need to use the analogy to find the actual voltage function VS time. Then compare our graph on the whit board.

1. Attach the sketched of the vapacitor voltage and current for both sinusoidal and triangular inputs

2. Attach an image of the oscilloscope window, showing the capacitor voltage and current waveforms and the measured amplitudes of the waveforms for a 1K HZ sinusoidal input.

The picture is when applying a sinusoidal input voltage with frequency = 1kHz, amplitude = 2V, and offset = 0V to the circuit.

3. Attach an image of the oscilloscope window, showing the capacitor voltage and current waveforms and the measured amplitudes of the waveforms for a 2K HZ sinusoidal input.

4. Attach an image of the oscilloscope window, showing the capacitor voltage and current waveforms and the measured amolitudes of the waveforms for a 100Hz triangular input.

       During the class we learned the basic concept of capacitor. We treat a capacitor as open circuit in the beginning because there is no current there.
 these are some examples we did in the class.

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