Monday, March 13, 2017

3/7 Dusk-to-Dawn Light

                 The purpose of this lab to observe the behavior of photocell and learned the change of resistance due to the change of temperature.
1. Provide the calculated values of Vb for photocell resistance of 5K and 20K

2.Provide measured values of Vb for photocell resistance of 5k and 20 K and comparison with calculated values.
percent error for 5K = (1.67-1.67)/1.67 * 100% = 0%
percent error for 20K = (2.9-3.33)/3.33 * 100% = -12.91%

3. A video of the circuit operating:


          In today's class, we learned the concept of parallel and series resistance. We did some examples of how to calculate the equivalent resistance for the parallel and series resistance. The following photos are the examples we did during the lecture time.

     Also, we observed the phenomenon of the value of resistance changes with the temperature changes which is our experimental today.

          In today's class, we learned the definition of a resistance. And the theoretical equation of how to calculate the resistance. Then, we learned a new types of resistance-photocell which is a resistance that the value will change response to the environment temperature.

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